[Salon] Hacking, Extortion, Election Interference: These Are the Tools Used by Israel's Agents of Chaos and Manipulation - National Security & Cyber - Haaretz.com

Title: Hacking, Extortion, Election Interference: These Are the Tools Used by Israel's Agents of Chaos and Manipulation - National Security & Cyber - Haaretz.com
Tools of the trade!

Hacking, Extortion, Election Interference: These Are the Tools Used by Israel's Agents of Chaos and Manipulation

Revealed: The cyberweapons a key Israeli company offers its clients in order to corrupt democracies across the globe


“Thank you my love. It was a wonderful night. Waiting for you whenever you come back,” read the note attached to the sex toy hidden inside the Amazon delivery box. It was allegedly sent by Shannon Aiken, a 38-year-old Washington woman, to the home of a politician at the height of an election campaign. His wife received the package. The politician slept in his office for two days. A crew was secretly sent to film him there, and the embarrassing footage leaked online.

Aiken appears real. She is active on Facebook and Twitter, has a real Gmail account and an active WhatsApp, both linked to a real phone number. Her Amazon is connected to a credit card, while real funds from her digital wallet paid for the package purportedly containing a dildo, condoms and lubricants.

However, despite her impressive digital footprint, Aiken is not real. She is an avatar: a complex, fake digital persona built to mimic human behavior and avoid detection – not a bot, but a “cyborg.”

It is impossible to know if her story is true. In one version we were told, the politician returned from a trip to the Gulf prior to receiving the package; in another, from Europe. But that is exactly the point.


Tal Hanan is the man who told us the different versions of Aiken’s story and the person in command of an army of fake social media accounts.

Hanan is the head of a business that offers dark services to the highest bidder: digital surveillance, hack-and-leak smear campaigns, influence operations, disinformation, and election interference and suppression.

Foreign Information Manipulation and Intervention, or FIMI, is increasingly considered a threat to national security and international stability. It is usually attributed to states or state agencies in countries such as Russia or China. Hanan, a private actor, and his team claim to have been active for more than a decade and boast meddling in 33 presidential elections – 27 of them successfully.

This is the second story in a global investigation into the disinformation-for-hire industry. It was conducted as part of the Story Killers project led by Forbidden Stories, a Paris-based consortium of international journalists who pursue the work of assassinated or threatened journalists.

An undercover investigation led by journalists from TheMarker, Radio France and Haaretz in Israel resulted in a series of meetings that were secretly recorded with Team Jorge – as they called themselves. Hanan (who called himself Jorge in our meetings) and Co. thought they were meeting with representatives of a potential client from an African country.

The clients’ goal: postponing the elections there, perhaps indefinitely, without cause. The price: 6 million euros (nearly $6.5 million).

Over the course of six meetings, held online and in person, the intermediaries – actually, three undercover reporters – were pitched by Team Jorge. The recorded materials were then investigated over six months by the project members, which included over 100 reporters worldwide from the likes of Le Monde, Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, The Guardian, Paper Trail Media, El Pais and the investigative journalist group OCCRP.

The Team Jorge brand is at the center of this global investigation. This report reveals the dangerous mix of technology and tradecraft the group offers. It meshes the worlds of active intelligence and psychological warfare into a one-stop-shop that includes hacking for hire, digital spying and surveillance, never-before-seen technologies for the mass creation and deployment of fake accounts, and tools for social media manipulation and the dissemination of disinformation online.

These are sold together, as a service, to the highest bidder, including political actors – but also private ones like embattled oligarchs and cryptocurrency dealers – looking to use influence tools to smear rivals or hype digital currencies.

Election interference – a guide

Every influence operation, Hanan explained during our first meetings, has three stages: gathering intelligence, constructing a narrative, and deploying for maximum impact.

For the first stage, Team Jorge offers a dizzying array of intelligence skills, including hacking and cyberoffense. Once targets are selected (for example, officials in a rival political campaign), Team Jorge claim they can hack into their emails and messaging apps like Telegram – both troves of valuable information. At a later stage, these can be manipulated and hacked materials can even be leaked or forged. Hanan called this “active intelligence.

“An email [account] is not just email today, right? You have contacts, you have a Drive. Let’s see what he has on his Drive,” Hanan said as he scrolled through his victim’s Google account

“Nick” – aka Zohar, Tal’s brother – chimed in during the face-to-face meeting we had with the team. He explained that sometimes people keep their passwords in their drafts or in notes that are backed-up on their email, providing more actionable intel. “Sometimes people [save] their password in [the] Notes [app],” he explained. “So we taking the notes, we taking the passwords … even to the bank,” he added in his Israeli-accented English.

The Hanan brothers would go on to explain how their hacking capabilities work – stunning the experts.

They take advantage of a known loophole in the international cellular network, in what experts say is a new, creative and disconcerting way. With the help of an official telecom provider – usually accessed through some nefarious backhanded local cooperation – and a little social engineering, they claim to be able to find almost any phone in the world and even intercept its data to gain access to many of its apps.

The Telegram account of a senior Kenyan politician. Hanan demonstrated how he sends messages from the hijacked account

“It's $50,000 a number,” Zohar Hanan said during our last meeting, admitting the group also offers general hacking-for-hire services. He suggested different methods for payment, but his brother shouted out from his office: “Crypto! Crypto!”


The mobile hacking abilities of Team Jorge, much like most intel gathering, is based on a program called Profiler.

Profiler is an open source and web intelligence (OSINT and WEBINT) tool that creates a full intelligence profile on targets by scraping known online databases. It also seems able to collect data from less legitimate sources: It is able to match names to numbers that should not be public.

For example, Tal Hanan claimed, feeding Profiler a target’s phone number allows Team Jorge to find its SIM card’s ID - or its “international mobile subscriber identity.” This is then used to geolocate it via the international roaming system and perhaps even to intercept its communications by exploiting it.

Unlike spyware such as the NSO Group’s Pegasus, this type of attack does not leave digital forensics on a device.

Hanan revealed how Profiler served them in a project in the Gulf that is best described as political persecution. A local sheikh gave Team Jorge an anonymous Twitter account and, with Profiler’s help, they managed to trace it back to its actual owner – thus revealing the dissident's identity.

Global Bank Scan

Another tool in Team Jorge’s intelligence arsenal is Global Bank Scan. Hanan said this could create a full financial profile on targets – including secret offshore accounts and wire transfers – by accessing a global banking database. This is likely false.

According to sources, in more than one instance clients he supplied with financial data suspected that the information was bogus.


D-Day: Hard-core release

Intel collection is just the first phase in Team Jorge’s disinformation operations. Dirt is collected to help their client reach their goal – whether that be smearing a competitor, suppressing voter turnout or even wreaking havoc during an Election Day in Africa.

“D-Day,” as they term Election Day, can also require active measures: from cellphone attacks to “killing” the internet as voting begins, per a fastly cut video clip Team Jorge showed to potential clients.

“Electronic warfare, let’s call it,” said Hanan, elaborating on what their presentation dubs “voter suppression” services. These also include “blame game” tactics and something they call “hard-core release.” These include targeting rivals’ phones, as well as wide-scale cyberattacks such as DDoS attacks (standing for distributed denial-of-service – which overwhelms a site with traffic, knocking it offline) against government websites.

There are many types of attack offered as part of Team Jorge’s “disruption” services – but their underlying goal is nearly always concerned with lowering turnout, casting doubt on potentially negative results and generally undermining trust in the democratic process.

These attacks are “evidence of the bleeding of state-sponsored tactics of cyberwarfare into the hands of for-hire cybermercenaries,” said Dr. Nir Grinberg, an assistant professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva. He previously published one of the definitive studies about disinformation on Twitter during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

“The outsourcing of disinformation campaigns is a new concept,” he said – specifically “the bundling of cybercrime capabilities for manufacturing an alternative reality with an elaborate apparatus to promote this disinformation online.”

The combination of intelligence, influence and political strategy services is what made Team Jorge’s pitch unique: “It’s not PR work; it’s intelligence work,” Hanan said during one Zoom presentation. “PR is just one means to get information out. The key with intelligence is that there is no one solution … and nothing works 100 percent. Okay. Let me show you what does work.”

Advanced Impact Media Solutions

At the heart of Team Jorge’s service stands Advanced Impact Media Solutions (AIMS), an advanced disinformation system that this investigation is revealing for the first time.

A software system capable of creating and deploying fake accounts across social media at scale and without detection, AIMS was developed by Team Jorge to serve as a versatile online influence and social media manipulation tool.

<Hanan's AIMS system, for creating and operating thousands of deep avatars>
Hanan's AIMS system, for creating and operating thousands of deep avatars

“What is fake news?” Hanan asked rhetorically during one meeting. “Fake news is when people do believe it. Not because it’s reality or not reality. The question is credibility.”

And Hanan has the necessary tools to create and manipulate credibility.

A mass avatar management system, AIMS allows for real accounts to be created for nonexistent people. These can then be deployed either as a swarm – similar to a network of bots – or as single agents.

“Let’s make one together,” Hanan said enthusiastically, opening AIMS’ “Create Profiles Wizard” – an interface that creates new avatars per a client’s needs.

With one click, AIMS generates a new name, ethnicity, nationality, language, hometown and more for the new avatar, based on the campaign’s location or needs. After picking a name, AIMS then offers an entire set of photos for use.

Hanan created a new avatar for us: a woman from the United Kingdom. He did not like the generic British name his system initially provided, so hit a button and generated a new name: “Sophia Wilde – I like the name.” Her photos, this investigation found, belong to a real woman who had no idea her likeness was being used to demo influence operations.

<The AIMS avatar creation wizard that Hanan showed the undercover reporters>
The AIMS avatar creation wizard that Hanan showed the undercover reporters

AIMS does not use AI to generate its avatars’ photos. These can be spotted by social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, which are still scrambling to address “coordinated inauthentic behavior.” AIMS gives its avatars real pictures belonging to real people, lending them further credence. “And after you’ve created credibility, what do you do? Then you can manipulate,” Hanan explained.

Digital footprint

A single click will breathe digital life into the fake persona, automatically opening a Gmail account under the avatar’s name, in their native language and registered to their home country – all to avoid detection.

The avatar also gets a local cellphone number, which is used to verify the email account. “All our avatars are SMS-verified,” said Hanan proudly.

The phone number and email, he claimed, form the basis for an avatar’s digital identity – and they also get a unique digital footprint: “[Sophia is using] Chrome on this version of Windows,” Hanan noted.

Additional layers are then added to the avatar: specific accounts on specific platforms, from Instagram to WhatsApp – all of which require either an email or phone number (or both) to register.

AIMS, a dropdown menu reveals, can purportedly automatically create verified accounts on dozens of websites. These go well beyond Twitter and Facebook, and include communication app Discord and interactive livestreaming service Twitch, as well as websites such as Reddit, Amazon and Airbnb, and even gaming sites. It is unclear if this aspect of AIMS is actually fully automated. However, Team Jorge claims that any site with a login can be added to enrich an avatar’s identity and grant them more credibility.

Some even have digital wallets. “If someone looks and checks our avatar, he will see it even has a crypto wallet ... with Bitcoin,” Hanan boasted.

He showed us the Shannon Aiken profile again – the avatar that purportedly sent sex toys to a politician. “She has a credit card,” he laughed. “What do you think: is it real or not?”

Virgin avatars

Shannon Aiken is one of the “stars” of AIMS – part of the elite unit in Team Jorge‘s army of avatars. Avatars, Hanan explained, are like wine: the older, the better. Aiken‘s Gmail and Facebook accounts have been active for more than two years, he noted proudly.

Single avatars like Aiken can serve as lone agents of chaos, helping to create a political scandal. However, others are needed to amplify it into a story through an automated social media campaign.

<Shannon Aiken's avatar. "Thank you my love. It was a wonderful night">
Shannon Aiken's avatar. "Thank you my love. It was a wonderful night"

AIMS’ home screen boasted over 31,000 avatars when we first saw it last summer. During our last meeting, in December, it showed almost 40,000.

Under each avatar’s name and photo, a list of icons indicated the social media platforms on which they are active. Not all avatars are created equal: There is a star system, ranking the quality of each one in the system.

Alongside stars like Aiken, the AIMS avatars are organized according to language and location, so they can easily be grouped and deployed in different contexts.

AIMS’ avatar management dashboard listed the following groups: Africa, Arabian, Armenian, Brazilian, Canada, European (mix), Kenya, Panama, Philippines, Russia, Senegal, South America, Ukraine, USA and Zimbabwe. Later we shall see some from Francophone Africa.

There are also avatars active in cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, and NFTs, the artificially scarce digital objects created by using blockchain technology. Even Aiken was found to have tweeted about crypto coins, highlighting how the same avatars can serve different campaigns.

“These are technologies and skills that have never been seen from the inside,” said Prof. Anat Ben-David, a digital media researcher at the Department of Sociology, Political Science and Communications at the Israeli Open University. (At the reporters' request, she reviewed the footage from the Team Jorge presentations.) The disinformation researcher added that this was the “first time we are seeing a disinformation system's interface from the inside.”

How many avatars would you need to postpone an election in Africa without good cause, Hanan asked rhetorically. “Do we need 10,000? No, we need about 1,000,” he responded. Half, he added, could be “virgin” – an industry term for new avatars, created just for us – and half could be preexisting avatars, depending on “how much inventory we have [from] other African countries.”

After selecting a group of avatars, Hanan showed us an “automatic campaign creation” screen and demonstrated how they could now be deployed en masse. The avatars can push out posts on Facebook, or Like or comment on each other’s posts to amplify a message. On Twitter, they can promote a link or try to get a certain hashtag to trend.

We asked for a real-life demonstration, which Hanan provided, leading the investigation to over 1,800 accounts on Twitter and Facebook that were active in at least 19 campaigns in 18 countries for political but mostly private clients. These ranged from a campaign against California Gov. Gavin Newsom to one in favor of a South American corporation.

The #Rip_Emmanuel demo Hanan provided for us exposed 19 real-world disinformation campaigns

The content for campaigns is created by a local team hired by the client but managed by Team Jorge, Hanan explained – a troll farm, of sorts.

During our final meeting, in December, AIMS had not just grown its number of avatars. It had also been upgraded to include AI capabilities. Now, you no longer need to upload a spreadsheet with posts written by hired hands; AIMS can automatically generate posts based on a set of keywords. These can be “positive,” “negative” or “neutral” – thus rendering the troll farm obsolete.

600 fake links

Another tool in Team Jorge’s arsenal is Blogger. This helps provide the links the avatars push out during campaigns. These can range from leaked materials to videos, and are hosted on seemingly real websites – the sites and blogs it creates.

Blogger, Hanan explained, can create “600 links for the same news” story. That way, he said, “I don’t care” if the links get burned. “We can create as many links [for] content [as] we want. The blogs themselves are not important, even though they help for SEO [Search Engine Optimization] – but we don't go there. We don't need it for that. We needed it to put them on social media.”

We did not see a working version of the Blogger system, but did see its output: A spreadsheet with hundreds of links leading to what seemed like the same handful of news stories and videos from an election in Asia. A number of the campaigns found through suspected avatars posted links to similar sites that have since been taken offline.

As a result, the campaign can come full circle: the materials obtained through hacking and active intelligence, including forged materials, are leaked online. Blogger creates the links and the avatars amplify them.

Every “10 avatars, every 10 promotions, every 10 campaigns, I change the link. It’s unlimited, basically,” Hanan said. “The link is for a video and it can be YouTube or a website we set up. Then we usually do a leak site – like WikiLeaks, but with a different name.”

Facebook groups can also be created. “We create credibility for this leak site and we put it on social media,” he explained. Avatars discovered by the consortium of journalists also posted links to websites and news reports. They offered leaks about different businesspeople and officials who were the targets of the different campaigns.

Similar tactics described by Hanan can apparently now be seen in Kenya, where an unidentified actor is offering leaked materials purporting to be the “real” result of last summer’s presidential election, which Team Jorge’s likely client lost.

“The most disturbing part is the bundle of services,” says digital media researcher Ben-David. “For those developing these technologies, elections are not really a democratic process but a battleground in which any means are justified. These are simply weapons of war, and they’re being used against democracy.”

Experts explained that, many times, the goal of disinformation campaigns is not to advance a specific agenda but rather, to create the conditions needed for advancing alternative narratives.

“There is a long shadow over the effectiveness of social media disinformation campaigns,” said disinformation researcher Grinberg. “Therefore, it may very well be that the biggest impact of disinformation campaigns – like the ones reported here – is in creating a facade of effectiveness that is larger than life, and pushing us closer to questioning the authenticity of everything we see online.”

‘We’re nothing’

In 2019, the Archimedes Group – an Israeli disinformation firm – was revealed to be operating dozens of fake Facebook accounts on behalf of political clients in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The connection between Israeli IP addresses and accounts elsewhere exposed them as being fake. Consequently, the firm, its groups and its workers were all banned from the platform.

Team Jorge and AIMS overcame this exposure by using “residential proxies” – a complex system of connections that mask the location of their activities while also providing them and their avatars with a local identity.

Unlike Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), which are used to change our virtual location, residential proxies use actual devices located in the target country to avoid detection – at times rerouting trafficking in creative ways. In fact, while VPNs are easily detectable, residential proxies are not. That is why they serve as the “oil of the disinformation industry,” says Donncha Ó Cearbhaill, an ethical hacker and researcher who worked with the investigation.

Team Jorge, this investigation believes, works with a residential proxy provider, in order to provide its avatars with local digital identities in the form of real IPs that cannot be found by social media sites.

Team Jorge also seems to work with a cellular provider that serves AIMS in a similar manner, likely giving avatars their local numbers and supplying the infrastructure needed to grant them SMS verification.

The deliberately misleading technical infrastructure also serves to hide such actors. The process creates another layer of plausible deniability between, in this case, Team Jorge, the client and the campaign’s content, and helps them further mask the truth. Or, as Hanan put it in one presentation: “My signal is from Indonesia, the WhatsApp from Hong Kong, Telegram from Germany. And none of them are my numbers.”

At that stage, Hanan still believed digital trickery could help hide his identity. “Jorge” was still Jorge. During our last meeting, the man who we now knew to be Tal Hanan asked if we saw what was written on the door outside his office in Modi’in. “Nothing. It says nothing. That’s who we are. We’re nothing.”

Tal Hanan and Zohar Hanan refused to answer questions. Tal Hanan denied “any wrongdoing.” Zohar Hanan said: “I have been working all my life according to the law!”

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